Prof. Basem El Hady

  • Dr. Basem El Hady is a respected figure in the field of Electrical Engineering, particularly in design system areas including lighting, power, fire alarm, electrical panels, and telephone systems. His expertise extends to fire protection systems, plumbing, and HVAC, with a rich portfolio that includes contributing to various key projects in Saudi Arabia and the new administrative capital.
  • Significant projects in his repertoire include the King Abdelaziz tunnel in Nagran, IG Plaza, PARK Yard, Shorouk Medical Center, ACACIA, PUKKA Compound, Elite mixed-use complex, and El Farouk Secondary school for females.
  •  Since 2015, Dr. El Hady has been a consultant for Suez University in Electromechanical projects. He has also notably been involved in consultation projects in the Engineering consulting office in Suez Canal University and assisted in the design of electrical distribution athletics halls and industrial zones.
  • In academia, Dr. El Hady currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University. His pedagogic contributions include lecturing students in key subjects such as automatic control, computer applications (MATLAB), electric circuits, and Logic Circuits, and much more.

Consultancy and training works

  • Consultants for the following projects in Electrical design systems including: lighting, power, fire alarm, electrical panels, telephone system, etc., with all connections with main projects services, complete with drawings, bill of quantities and tech. specifications. Fire protection system and plumbing and HVAC with drawings, calculations bills of quantities and tech. specifications.
    • King Abdelaziz tunnel in Nagran, Sadi Arabia for all MEP works.

–   IG PLAZA in the new administrative capital.

–   PARK Yard in the new administrative capital.

–   Shorouk Medical Center in the new administrative capital.

–   ACACIA in the new administrative capital

–   PUKKA Compound in the new administrative capital.

–    Elite mixed use complex in the new administrative capital.

–    El Farouk Secondary school for females in the new administrative capital.

  • Consultant of Suez University in Electromechanical since 2015 till now.
  •  Sinai development program with PV system (Canadian fund) 2008, Suez Canal University.
  • Different consultation projects in Engineering consulting office in Suez Canal University.
  • Design of electrical distribution Athletic Hall in Suez, Sama hall in Zagazig, Khalifa project in Ismailia, industrial zone in Anshas.
  • Supervision of Sinai Bedouin lighting project through the Faculty of Industrial Education in 2008.
  • Certificate of experience from petroleum and mining college in Suez in the period from 2007 to 2011.
  • Certificate of experience participating in the work designs and electrical works for a group buildings and photo-voltaic (PV)  in Suez University 2014-2015, 2015-2019.
  • Certificate of experience from the armed forces 2003-2005.
  • Certificate of  Siemens company period from 8-3:15-4/2008.
  • Establishing the IEEE student branch in Suez Canal University, 2015 Supervising 3 teams in the regional competition of ROV in 2014 and 2016 and winning two special awards. Supervising SCU teams in the regional competition of electrical car in 2017 and 2019.
  •  Manager  appointed  (I.T .),2014    till now.
  • Training in China , Bijing International Technology College in 6-5-2017 till 4-6-2017.
  • Training in China , Bijing International Technology College in 6-9-2018 till 4-10-2018.

Academic Achievements:

  • Jan. 2020 Till now – Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia – Egypt.
  • March 2015 – Till now – Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia – Egypt.
  • December 2012-January 2015 – Assistant Lecturer Electrical power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
  • 2004 April  – November     2012 – Assistant Lecturer Electrical power Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.
  • December 2003 –         March 2009 – Research and Teaching Assistant Electrical power Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt.
  • Teaching fundamental of electrical engineering, computer applications (MATLAB)and control courses for one  year in Suez Faculty of Engineering Suez Canal University
  • Teaching fundamental of electrical engineering course for 3rd year in Suez Faculty of Petroleum and Mining -Suez Canal University
  • Teaching automatic control course for 3rd year in Suez Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Suez Canal University
  • Teaching automatic control, computer applications (MATLAB),electric circuit, and Logic Circuits courses for six year in Suez Faculty of Petroleum and Mining -Suez Canal University
  • Teaching many undergraduate courses in the area of Electrical power & machines such as: computer applications (MATLAB), Automatic contor, induction motors controls, DC machine & transformers, transmission and distribution ( first course), electrical & electronic measurements, electrical installations, electrical circuits, electrical drawing …etc.
  • Practical: I) synchronous machine, electrical circuits and measurements, automatic control.
  • Short courses: computer applications (MATLAB), & Electrical motor controls.


  • IMPROVED POWER CONTROL OF A WIND TURBINE DRIVEN DOUBLE FED INDUCTION GENERATOR’ Analysis of Structures Resting on Non-Linear Soil, M. Sc. Thesis, Suez Canal Univ., Egypt, 2004.
  • Effect of Temperature Variation of Electrical Insulation on the Performance of Electrical Machines

International Conferences

  • International Conference on Electrical Engineering IEEE, 18 May, 2009, Cairo, Egypt.
  • International Conference Mepecon Ain Shams, 25-28 December, 2014, Cairo, Egypt.
  • International Conference Mepecon Mansoura, 25-28 December, 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
  • ICNTSE Conference, 1-3 October,2016.
  • Hassanien, Aboul Ella,and basem E.Elnaghi et al., eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2016. Vol. 533. Springer, 2016.‏
  • International Conference Mepecon Helwan, 27-29 December, 2018, Cairo, Egypt.


  • A. Khalifa, S. S. Dessouky,A. M. Eldin and Basem E. Elsaid “Effect of TemperatureRise on the Performance of Induction Motors “,Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering,  Port Said , Suez  Canal University September 2008
  • A. Khalifa, S. S. Dessouky,A. M. Ismail and Basem E. Elsaid “Effect of Temperature Rise on the Performance of Induction Motors” Conference IEEE, vol.206, 2010.
  • Basem E. Elsaid, Ahmed A.Salem, and S. S. Dessouky “Experimental  Study on Behavior of   Induction Motor Insulation” Conference Mepecon, vol.14,2014.
  • Fathy A.Elkader , F. A. Khalifa , Ahmed E. kalas and Basem E. Elsaid ” Controller Performance of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System ” Conference Mepecon,   14,2014.
  • Fathy A.Elkader , F. A. Khalifa , Ahmed E. kalas and Basem E. Elsaid” Sensor and  Sensorless Speed Control of DFIG Wind Turbines for MPPT” Scientific bulletin, faculty of engineering,Port Said , Suez  Canal University September 2014.
  • S.Dessouky,S.A.Abdel Maksoud, Basem E. Elnaghi , and N.A.Nour Al-Din ” The Performance of Condition Monitoring on Induction Motor Under the effect Thermal Stress and Thermal Model” Conference Mepecon,3014  , vol.15,2015.
  • A.Abdel Maksoud, and Basem E. Elnaghi ” Effect of Rotor Configuration on the Torque Ripple of Permanent Magnet synchronous Motor with Fractional Slot Windings” Conference Mepecon,3015 , vol.15,2015.
  • Basem E. Elnaghi, Ahmed E. kalas,and S.A.Abdel Maksoud” Comparative Analysis of Sensor and Sensorless Speed Control of DFIG Wind Turbines” Conference Mepecon,4032 ,  15,2015.
  • A.Abdel Maksoud,Ahmed A. Zaki Diab and Basem E. Elnaghi”Improved Performance of Brushless Direct Current Motor “2016 IEEE NW Russia Conference ,February 3,2016.
  • Ahmed A. Zaki Diab, S.A.Abdel Maksoud, and Basem E. Elnaghi” Particle Swarm Optimization Based Vector Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive “2016 IEEE NW Russia Conference ,February 3,2016.
  • Basem E. Elnaghi, Ahmed A.Salem,and Eyad S.Oda” Experimental and Simulation Verification of Pitch Angle Controller of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System”ICNTSE Conference, 1-3 October,2016.
  • Alaa Tharwat , Basem E. Elnaghi ,and Aboul Ella Otifey Hassanien “Meta-heuristic algorithm inspired by Grey wolves for Solving function optimization problems’) for AISI Conference 2016.
  • Tharwat, Alaa, Basem E. Elnaghi et al. “Automatically Human Age Estimation Approach via Two-Dimensional Facial Image Analysis.” International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
  • Tharwat, Alaa, Aboul Ella Hassanien, and Basem E. Elnaghi. “A BA-based algorithm for parameter optimization of Support Vector Machine.” Pattern Recognition Letters (2016).‏
  • Salah A. Abdel Maksoud, Ahmed E. Kalas, Basem E. Elnaghi ” Optimal cross-section of three-phase interior permanent magnet synchronous motor” Conference Mepecon Helwan 2016.
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Salem, A. A., & Oda, E. S. Experimental and Simulation Verification of Pitch Angle Controller of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System, ICNTSE Conference, 1-3 October,2016..
  • GAMAL, Marwa, Basem E. Elnaghi et al. Bio-inspired Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing. In: International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 579-589.‏
  • ELNAGHI, Basem E.; SELIM, Salah A. Performance of double fed induction generator based wind turbine using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. In: Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus), 2017 IEEE Conference of Russian. IEEE, 2017. p. 808-813.
  • Tharwat, A., Gaber, T., Hassanien, A. E., & Elnaghi, B. E. (2017). Particle swarm optimization: a tutorial. In Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends (pp. 614-635). IGI Global..‏
  • Nafea, S. F., Dessouki, A. A., El-Rabaie, S., Elnaghi, B. E., Ismail, Y., & Mostafa, H. Area-Efficient Read/Write Circuit for Spintronic Memristor Based Memories.‏
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Elkader, F. A., Ismail, M. M., & Kalas, A. E. (2017). Adaptation of PI controller used with combination of perturbation and observation method and feedback method for DFIG. Electrical Engineering, 1-12.‏
  • Ismail, T. M., Ramzy, K., Abelwhab, M. N., Elnaghi, B. E., El-Salam, M. A., & Ismail, M. I. (2018). Performance of hybrid compression ignition engine using hydroxy (HHO) from dry cell. Energy Conversion and Management, 155, 287-300.‏
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Elkader, F. A., Ismail, M. M., & Kalas, A. E. (2018). Adaptation of PI controller used with combination of perturbation and observation method and feedback method for DFIG. Electrical Engineering, 100(2), 1047-1058.‏
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Maksoud, S. A. A., & Vialcev, G. B. (2018, October). Improvement of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Performance by Perturbation and Observation Method Using Fuzzy Logic. In 2018 XIV International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual Problems of Electronics Instrument Engineering (APEIE) (pp. 91-99). IEEE.‏
  • Mohammed, R. H., Elnaghi, B. E., Bendary, F. A., & Elserfi, K. (2018). Trajectory tracking control and robustness analysis of a robotic manipulator using advanced control techniques. Int. J. Eng. Manuf.(IJEM), 8(6), 42-54.‏
  • Rabab M. Afify, Basem E. Elnaghi, Hamed A. Ibrahim, Sobhy S. Dessouky, Voltage Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor for Energy Saving, Page No. 367-376,2018.
  • Shereen A. Elsayed, Basem E. Elhaghi, Hamed A. Ibrahim, Fathy Abd-Elkader, Run-Up Characteristics of Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive Electric Vehicle, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2018, 5(6):276-283.
  • Ismail, T. M., Ramzy, K., Elnaghi, B. E., Abelwhab, M. N., & El-Salam, M. A. (2019). Using MATLAB to model and simulate a photovoltaic system to produce hydrogen. Energy conversion and management, 185, 101-129.‏
  • Ismail, T. M., Ramzy, K., Elnaghi, B. E., Mansour, T., Abelwhab, M. N., El-Salam, M. A., & Ismail, M. I. (2019). Modelling and simulation of electrochemical analysis of hybrid spark-ignition engine using hydroxy (HHO) dry cell. Energy conversion and management, 181, 1-14.‏
  • Nafea, S. F., Dessouki, A. A., El-Rabaie, S., Elnaghi, B. E., Ismail, Y., & Mostafa, H. (2019). An accurate model of domain-wall-based spintronic memristor. Integration, 65, 149-162.‏
  • Gamal, M., Rizk, R., Mahdi, H., & Elnaghi, B. E. (2019). Osmotic Bio-Inspired Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing. IEEE Access, 7, 42735-42744.‏
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Dessouki, M. E. S., & Elkader, F. A. (2017, December). Experimental investigation of pitch angle controller for DFIG based wind energy conversion system. In 2017 Nineteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON) (pp. 1477-1482). IEEE.‏
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Mohammed, R. H., Dessouky, S. S., & Shehata, M. K. (2019). Load Test of Induction Motors Based on PWM Technique using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing, 9(2), 1.‏
  • Ibrahim, N. M., Elnaghi, B. E., Ibrahem, H. A., & Talaat, H. E. (2019). Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Lead-Lag Power System Stabilizer for Improve Stability in Multi-Machine Power System. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 11(1), 161-181.‏
  • Ibrahim, N. M., Elnaghi, B. E., Ibrahim, H. A., & Talaat, H. E. (2019). Performance Assessment of Bacterial Foraging based Power System Stabilizer in Multi-Machine Power System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 11(7), 43.‏
  • ‏Kabeel, A. E., Dawood, M. M. K., Ramzy, K., Nabil, T., & Elnaghi, B. (2019). Enhancement of single solar still integrated with solar dishes: An experimental approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 196, 165-174.‏
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Tamer Nabil, Design and Fabrication of Prototype Battery Electric Three Wheeled VehiclesDecember 2019,Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles 17(2):1-12.
  • Elnaghi, B. E., Dessouki, M. E., Abd-Alwahab, M. N., & Elkholy, E. E. (2020). Development and implementation of two-stage boost converter for single-phase inverter without transformer for PV systems. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708), 10.‏
  • Abdalla, A. M., Elnaghi, B. E., Hossain, S., Dawood, M., Abdelrehim, O., & Azad, A. K. (2020). Nanotechnology Utilization in Energy Conversion, Storage and Efficiency: a Perspective Review. Advanced Energy Conversion Materials, 30-54.‏


  • Hussam El-Din M. Attia, Power & Electrical Machines department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez Canal University. tel.: Tel. (+202) 4011781 / mob. (+2012)7213772 E-mail: [email protected]
  • .Mohamme Ismail Electrical Machines department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University tel.: Tel. mob. (+2010) 4915707 E-mail: M [email protected]